Blog / 2023.04.21
Meridian Laboratory Gives Back to the Community!

Meridian Laboratory plays an active role in supporting and improving our community. We believe that it is important for the company and our employees to give back to the community we live and work in. In December 2022, Meridian Laboratory held a holiday food drive for our local food pantry, the Middleton Outreach Ministry (MOM). Meridian Laboratory matched the items that our employees donated, which led to a total contribution of over 1,000 items, and totaling 897 pounds of food! This is a record-setting amount and will help provide for families all across Dane County. Meridian Laboratory is a proud partner with the Middleton Outreach Ministry, as well as other organizations in the community. We look forward to continuing the improvement of our community in 2023 and beyond.
What is the Middleton Outreach Ministry?
Middleton Outreach Ministry was founded over 40 years ago by members of a Middleton church who wanted to make a difference in their community. In 2007, they transitioned to a community-based nonprofit organization continuing to partner with local individuals, businesses, foundations, organizations, and faith communities. The Middleton Outreach Ministry helps provide for the community by providing food and housing assistance. MOM strives to have a community where everyone has the ability to thrive. Thanks to the generous support from its community and partnerships, they are able to provide food, housing assistance, back-to-school supplies and gift cards, holiday gift cards for families, along with ride assistance and chore sharing for older community members. MOM delivers nutritious food and housing assistance to over 5,000 people in the community each year. In November 2022, the Middleton Outreach Ministry Food Pantry provided over 81,000 meals to members of its community! MOM provides a food pantry for its community that is open five days a week. They also provide a housing stability program that focuses on keeping families in their homes so that they can avoid homelessness. Meridian Laboratory and our team are proud to play an important role in the community. Meridian Laboratory looks forward to continuing to pay it forward and helping our community members.
To find out more about the Middleton Outreach Ministry organization, visit